Third Season
September 28, 1977-March 5, 1978Season increased from Four Months to Five
Four productions, four weeks each for the first time
11,115 Subscribers, $813, 000 Budget
Father's Day
By Oliver Hailey
Directed by Michael Flanagan
With Ivar Brogger, Elaine Kerr, Sharon Laughlin, Monica Merryman, Robert Murch and David Snell. Designers: Virginia Dancy & Elmon Webb, David Toser, Bennet Averyt.
You Never Can Tell
By George Bernard Shaw
Directed by John Going
With Robert Blackburn, Ivar Brogger, Richard Dix, Avril Gentles, Kevin Hayes, I.M. Hobson, Floyd King, Jodie McClintock, Joe McGrath, Gun-Marie Nilsson Erika Petersen, John Seidman. Designers: Scenery by Dancy & Webb; costumes by Toser; lighting by Averyt.
Balyasnikov (American Premier)
By Aleksei Arbuzov, Translated by Michael Henry Heim
Directed by Shaktman
With John Abajian, Wanda Bimson, I.M. Hobson, William Rhys, John Seidman and Joseph Wiseman as Balyasnikov. Puppetry designed and built by Lovelace Theatre Company; Scenery and costumes by Henry Heymann; lighting by Bennet Averyt.
Slow Dance on the Killing Ground
By William Hanley
Medal of Honor Rag
By Tom Cole
Both directed by Terry Schreiber
Both directed by Terry Schreiber
These were performed in rotating repertory and featured Jane Galloway, Damien Leake, Robert Nichols and Harry O'Toole. Scenery by Karl Eigsti, costumes by David Toser, lighting by Bennet Averyt. As the Vietnam War was the focus of Medal of Honor Rag, PPT held a series of public forums about it. Among the participants were playwright, Tom Cole, and John Kerry, who in 1978 was not holding a political office. He was an attorney in private practice in Boston.